1² Overview of SS1√ ²Applications Provided: (type 1 for more) ²1√ - Text Editing, Terminal Emulation/Communications, File Management(show,copy,delete,rename etc files/directories), List Manager (small, easy data base), Print and Format files. Spreadsheet ²Features and Aids: ²2√ - Help on Help - how to use help. ²3√ - Learn Keys - assign text to keys. ²4√ - Entering Data - editing keys. ²5√ - Key Usage - general key functions. ²6√ - Record/Playback keystokes. ²7√ - Suspending Applications. ²Type the NUMBER of the subject you want more info on ²shiftF2√ - For help on Quiting, Suspending, and ²Aids√ (Calculator, Graphing, Spell(look up), etc). ² Learn Keys Text strings of up to 80 characters may be assigned to the function keys for recall at a later time. ²Recall: To recall text previously assigned to a function key just type altF1 to altF8. The text will be inserted or overtyped at cursor posistion depending on current ins key mode. This may be done: 1. Anytime you are asked to enter text. 2. In the text editor - recalls text at cursor location. ²Store: To store text on a key press ctrlF1 thru ctrlF8. This may be done: 1. When you are entering text - assigns text you have entered. 2. When editing - assigns current line from cursor out. 3. In file manager - assigns file name cursor is on. ²List: To list current learn key settings type shftF6. Note: learn key settings are permanently stored when you exit SS1. Related Helps: 1 - Entering Data, 2 - Key Usage ² Entering Data Any time your are asked to enter data the following data entry keys and functions are available. left/right arrow - Cursor to left/right. Tab/BkTab - Forward/backward to next punctuation or space. Home/End - Cursor to start/end of line. del - Delete char at cursor. ctrl end - Delete from cursor to end of line. ins - go in or out of insert mode. cF1..cF8 - Store text on function key. aF1..aF8 - Recall learned key at cursor location. sF6 - List learn keys. sF1 - Help. Related Helps: ²1√ - Learn Keys ² Help on Help Press Shift F1 (²sF1√) to obtain help. Help that is (hopefully) appropriate to your current activity will be displayed. To obtain higher level help, press ²sF1√ again - repeated presses take you to higer level subjects. If related or lower level helps are available they will be listed - just type the ²number√ indicated. (eg this screen offers a related help screen called key usage - to get it you type 1) Shift F2 (²sF2√) provides quick help on Quiting and Suspending applications, Aids, and Learn Keys. Related helps: ²1√ - Key Usage ² Running - Quiting - Suspending SS1 allows you to easily suspend applications to go to other SS1 jobs, or DOS, or execute a DOS command and then return to the suspended job(s). ²shiftF10 - Quit current application (Edit, File Manger etc) - Job data will be saved if desired. - You will be returned to main menu.² shiftF9 - Suspend current application. - To main menu or DOS. - Current job will be suspended (data and status saved) - You will be returned to main menu, or DOS. - Current job will be added to suspended job list. - You then can run any application or suspended job. - To execute a DOS level command - You will be prompted for DOS command and parameters. - DOS command will execute. - You will be returned to your job - Files are not updated before DOS command is executed.² To start suspended jobs - From main job screen type ²J√ - Move cursor to job, type ²S√ - You will be put back in job just where you left it. ² Key Usage ²Function Keys Shifted Function Keys Learn Keys Different for sF1 - Help aF1..aF8 - Recall key each sF2 - Help on Quit&Aids cF1..cF8 - Learn Key Application sF3 to sF8 - Aids sF6 - List keys See help for sF9 - Suspend each sF90- Quit ²type sF2 for more info type 2 for more info ²Cursor posistioning and data entry keys left/rt arrow - cursor left/right. ctrl end - delete to end of line. up/down arrow - cursor up down. ins - toggle insert mode. pgup/pgdn - scroll up/down. del - delete char at cursor. ctrlhome/end - start/end of list/file. home/end - start/end of line/page. ²type 3 for more info ² Graphing Graph rows or columns of numbers from the screen. ²Defining Runs: - Move cursor to the start of a run (row or column), press ²S√tart. - Move cursor to the end or the run, press ²E√nd. - Repeat above steps for up to 10 runs. - After the first run is defined, the UseLast²B√0x command can be used instead of ²S√tart to start a run. - When all runs have been defined, press ²G√raph to graph. ²Changing the Graph: ²D√raw - Draw the plot on the screen using current settings. ²B√ar - Change to Bar type chart. ²L√ine - Change to Line type chart. ²A√xis - Chage vertical axis minimum or maximum. ²T√itles - Enter/Change axis titles. ²PrtSc√ - Print a hardcopy (IF you have a suitable printer and driver). ² Calculator Four function calculator which supports decimal, hex, and binary. Values are displayed in all three modes. Learn keys can be used for memory locations or to transfer results. ²+√ - Add ²-√ - Subtract ²*√ - Multiply ²/√ - Divide ²=√ - Equals ²F1√ - Clear all ²F2√ - Change sign ²Q√ - Quit ²F3√ - Change Mode - Toggles between decimal, hex, and binary entry modes. Highlighted field is current entry mode. To read a number off the screen, use ²arrows√ to move to right of number then press ²home√. To Calc: Key in: 2 + 2 2 + 2 = 2.3(9.9 - 3.4) 9.9 - 3.4 = * 2.3 = 45.66/(-2.99) 45.66 / F2 2.99 = 10.93 + AE (hex) + 10101 (binary) 10.93 + F3 AE + F3 10101 = IBMer's - Use numlock key to toggle between typing numbers and moving cursor ² Spell, Phone etc Lists Look up a word of phrase in spelling, phone, ascii or whatever lists. ²sF4√ - To run this aid. ²S,P,A,Y√ - To select Spell, Phone, Ascii table, or Your list. ²B..Z√ - To select the list SS1.<letter typed> Then: ²type√ - Start typing the word you wish to find,the list is searched and displayed as you type. ²F1√ - Clear current word (and start new one) ²pgdn,pgup√ - Scroll list. ²cF1..cF8√ - Learn list entry that cursor is on to a function key. ²<esc>√
² Files Aid List the files on a drive or directory, Show or Delete files in the list. Press ²sF7√ To run this aid, then enter name of directory or drive to show. ²pgdn,pgup, √ - Scroll list of files. ²T√op - Go to top or bottom of list. ²S√how - ²S√how the file that the cursor is on. During show: ²right/left arrows√ - Change scroll speed <²space√> - Stop/start display ²F√ - Find string ²Q√ - Quit ²D√elete - ²D√elete the file that cursor is on. ²cF1..cF8√ - Learn list entry that cursor is on to a function key. ²Q√ - Quit files aid ² File Manager Overview File manager offers the following functions: Files: - Rename, Show, Delete, Copy, Edit or Print one or groups of files. - Mark files as protected or modified. Directores: - Navigate easily up and down DOS directory trees. - List directory to printer(or file). To Use: - Type F at main menu. Enter name of directory(or file) to show. - File commands: - Move cursor to file - type first letter of desired command. or F9, F10 for modify or protect. (see help for more) - Multiple file commands: - Mark files using F4, F5. - Press F3 to enter multi file, enter commands. - Directory commands: - To show lower dirs - move cursor to dir name - type ²S√how. - To return to higher dirs - type ²Q√uit. Related Helps 1 - File Manager Commands 2 - Show File Commands 2² File Manager - Command Summary ²F√ind - Move cursor to file. ²S√how - Display file or directory cursor is on. ²R√ename - Rename file cursor is on. ²D√elete - Delete file cursor is on. ²C√opy - Copy file cursor is on. ²E√dit - Edit file cursor is on. ²L√istDirectory - Print listing of directory on screen. ²P√rint - Print the file cursor is on. (in background) ²K√illPrint - Kill print that is currently in progress. ²M√akeDirectory - Create a new directory. ²Q√uit - Quit dir now displayed - rtn to parent dir or main menu. F1 - Enter name of new dir/file to show. F4,F5 - Mark files for F3 cmds. F2 - ReRead directory. F9 - Toggle modified. F3 - Copy, Rename or Delete Multiple F10 - protect, unprotect. Files. F6 - Show Directory Tree. ²up,down,home,end,pgup,pgdn,T√op, ²B√ottom - move file cursor. Related Helps: 1 - Show file commands, 2 - Print file. ² Delete File Delete file cursor is on. ²Y√es - File will be deleted. ²N√o - File will not be deleted. ² Create New Directory Create a new empty sub-directory. Enter the full name of directory to create (eg A:\DOCS). ²esc√ to cancel create. ² Multiple File Delete Delete a group of files. ²Y√es - Delete all marked files. (files are marked with F9 and F10) ²N√o - Cancel the deletes. Note: Type any key to cancel in progress deletes. ² Multiple File Copy Copy all marked files to another directory. ²Y√es - Copy the files. ²N√o - Cancel the copy. Note: Type any key to cancel in progress copies. ² File Exists The destination file already exists - you have the following options. ²A√ppend - The source file will be appended to end of destination file. ²R√eplace - The source file will replace (overwrite) the existing file. Data now in destination file will be lost. ²esc√ - Cancel the copy. ² Multiple File Rename Rename all marked files to another ²directory√. Enter full name of directory to rename files to. Both dirs must be on same disk drive. Note: Type any key to cancel in progress renames. ² Copy File Make a copy of the file cursor is on. Enter full name of destination file. ² Find File Move cursor to desired file. Enter all or ²part√ of name of file to move cursor to, then rtn. Example: typing 'S' will move to first file starting with an 'S'. ² Rename File Rename file cursor is on. Enter full new name for file. Must be on same disk drive. ² Multiple File Mode Rename, Copy, or Delete ²multiple√ files. 1. Use F4 and/or F5 to mark files. 2. Type F3 to enter multiple file mode. 3. Enter ²R√ename, ²C√opy, or ²D√elete or ²esc√ Notes: Copy offers Append or Replace if target file exists. Pressing any key stops process. Total size of marked files is displayed on screen. ² List Directory List the displayed directory to the printer or a file. <ret> - Lists directory to printer. enter file name - Lists directory to a file. esc - Cancel listing. ² Copy File There is not enough space on the destination disk for all of the files you have marked to be copied. However, if some of the files already exist on the dest disk and you elect to have them replaced there may be enough room. ²Y√es - Continue with copys. Each copy will be attempted - you will be told if there was not enough space to do the copy. You will be offered replace or append on all files that now exist on the dest disk. ²N√o - Cancel the copys. ² Show File ²Commands: ²arrow keys√ - Scroll up or down, ²left or right√. ²pgup/pgdn√ - Scroll a page up or down. ²B√ottom - Goto end of file. ²T√op - Goto to start top of file. ²G√oto - Goto a location you specify in file (try it). ²F√ind - Search for a text string you enter. ²F6√ - Find next occurance of string. ²H√ex - Show hex codes for text (toggles off/on). g²R√aphics - Show non-printing characters as graphic symbols (toggles). ²Q√uit - Quit show file. ²cF1..cF8√ - Learn the top line of screen to F1..F8. ² Find String ²F√ind - Enter text to be searched for. Direction is always forward, Case is ignored. ² Go To File Location ²arrows,tab,home,end√ - Move little pointer to where you want to go in file. ²<ret> - To go to entered location. =M5d² Applications Provided ²1√ - Text Editor ²2√ - Communications and Terminal Emulation ²3√ - File (Directory) Manager ²4√ - List Manager (small, easy data manager) ²5√ - Print and Format files ²6√ - Spreadsheet Type NUMBER of application you want more info on ² Suspend Job Suspend the current job: ²S√S1 - Current job will be suspended, and placed on suspended job stack. You will be returned to the main menu. The job can be restarted later. ²D√OS - Current job will be suspended, and placed on suspended job stack. You will be returned to DOS. The job will be restarted when you return to SS1. e²X√ec - Current job will be suspended, you will be prompted for the DOS command with parameters. You will be returned to your job when the DOS command completes. Note: files are not updated before running the DOS command. <²esc√> - Cancel the suspend request. $*"!&(#%² Editor Commands Summary ²1√ - Keys for cursor moves, scrolling, and text entry. ²2√ - Find and/or Replace text strings. ²3√ - Text Block Commands (move, copy, delete, put) & Insert File. ²4√ - Setting Ruler (tabs, margin, autoindent) ²5√ - Learn keys ²6√ - Justify paragraphs & Bold and Underline. ²7√ - Text Formating commands ("dot" commands) ²8√ - Quiting and Suspending ² Save, save to New file, or Quit What do you want done with your edit data? ²S√ave - Save the data you are editing to the same file you entered the editor with. ²N√ew file- Save the data you are editing to a new file. You will be asked to enter the name of the new file. ²Q√uit - Quit the editor without saving your data. Any changes you made since the last save will be lost. ²esc√ - return to editor. ! ² Set Ruler Change margins or tab stops on ruler & set autoindent. arrows, home/end, tab/bktab - To move cursor. ²T√ab - Toggle Tab stop off/on at cursor posistion. ²R√ightMargin - To put right margin in type ²R√. ²0..9√ - Set tab stop interval, eg 3 sets tab stop every third col. ²A√utoIndent - Toggle auto indent on/off. When done press <²ret√> to exit. " ² Block Commands To select text block. 1. Move cursor to start of block, type ²F1. 2. Move cursor to end of block, type ²F1√ again. 3. Block should now be ²hi-lited√. (if not try again). 4. If Move or Copy is to be performed, move cursor to new location. Block Commands: To intiate all block commands, ²type F2√, then: ²D√elete - Delete selected text block permanently. ²M√ove - Move selected block to current cursor location. ²C√opy - Copy selected block to current cursor location. ²P√ut - Put (write) selected block to external file. Insert File: ²aI√ - Insert file at cursor location. # ² Text Formating Commands Insert these commands to perform text formating. .sp 5 Space down 5 lines. .rm 70 Set Right Margin = 70. .bp Begin new Page. .in 5 Set indent to 5. .ce Center next line. .ti 4 Temporary indent of 4. .pl 66 Set page length = 66. .fi Start filled text. .ml 80 Set max line length - 80. .nf End filled text. .ci FILE Read input from FILE. .br Break filled text. Print header with left, center and right justified parts. .he |Left|Center|Right| Print footer with date ($D), time ($T), and page ($P). .fo |Date $D, Time $T||Page $P| Note: Each command must start in column 1, and be on a separate line. $"%!& ²Moving Cursor: arrow keys, tab & backtab ²Paragraph√ - ctrlPgdn, ctrlPgup ²Word√ - ctrlA, ctrlS ²Top/Bot of Screen√ - ctrlQ, ctrlZ; ²Start/End of line√ - home, end ²Horz Scroll√ - ctrl left/right arrow ²Moving in File: pgup, pgdn - Scroll up/down. ²aT√op, ²aB√ottom - top/bottom of file. F9 - Goto common locations. ²aF√ind - find string. ²F6√ - repeat last find. ²Editing Data: ins - toggle insert mode. del - delete char. F3 - insert line @ cursor. F4 - join current line with next. F5 - Dup line above to word. F10 - Erase line. F8 - Bold of underline text. ²Misc: ²aS√tat - Statistics F7 - Set Tabs/Margins ²aFn/cFn√ - Learn keys ²Related Helps: 1-Block Commands 2-Exit editor 3-Set Ruler 4-Learn Keys % ² Exiting Edit The options for exiting editor are: sF9 - Suspend Edit - your data and status are saved. You are returned to the main menu, or to DOS. The edit will be placed on the suspended job list to be resumed whenever you chose. sF10 - Quit Edit - you will be asked whether you want to: Save - edit data goes to a new file whose name you input. Replace - the edit data replaces file you entered editor with. Discard - the changes you made during this edit are discarded. & ² Learn Keys Use of Learn keys in editor. To ²Recall√ text: 1. move cursor to desired location. 2. type alt function key (aF1..aF8) to recall text. 3. text will be inserted if you are in insert mode, or typed over if not. To ²Store√ text: 1. move cursor to text to be stored. 2. type cntrl function key for (cF1..cF8) the function key you want to store text on. 3. up to 80 chars starting at the cursor location to end of line will be stored. To ²List√ current key settings: 1. type shift F6. ' ² Put Block Write selected block to an external file. Enter file name to write data from block to. Note: A block can be printed by ²P√utting it to PRN ( ² Word Processing ²Bold and Underline√ - To make text bold, or underline it: Move cursor to start of bold (underline). Press F8, then ²B√old or ²U√nderline. Move cursor to end of bold (underline). Press F8, then ²B√old or ²U√nderline. ²Justfication√ - To Justify a paragraph: Set the right margin (use F7). Make certain that paragraph starts and ends with a blank line. Place the cursor in the paragraph (see note), and press ²altJ√ustify. Select justification from ²C√ursor, or from start of paragraph. Note: if you justify from ²C√ursor, the paragraph is justified from the cursor down, and the cursor column becomes the left margin. See also - Text Formating Commands Help. ) ² Read Data File Read in data file to be edited. Enter full name of file to be edited. * ² Find and Replace Find and Replace text strings. ²aF√ind - Find a text string. Type altF, you will be asked for string to find and options. ²aR√eplace - Replace text string(s) with other new text strings. Type altR, you will be asked for strings and options. ²F6√ - Repeat last find or replace. + ² Insert File Insert an external file at current cursor location. Enter full name of file to insert. ,* ² Enter Text To Find/Replace Enter the text string to find or replace. - To include leading or trailing blanks, enclose the string in quotes. eg " ABC " searchs for <spc>ABC<spc>. - Data edit and learn keys can be used to save typing - see below. -* ² Find/Replace Options Search Options: ²D√irection - Toggles search direction between forward and backward: ²M√atch - Toggles match btween approximate and exact: exact - case of found string must match exactly. Replace Options: ²V√erify - Toggles between verify on and off. If verify is on you will be asked to ok each replacement. ²1..9,All√ - Set number of occurances to replace. ²A√ll means replace all occuraces from cursor to end of file. Using ²A√ll with Verify on works well. Note: - Pressing F6 will repeat last find or replace using same options. - Current options settings are shown on second line of screen. . ² Goto or Memorize Locations Enter one of the following: ²M√emorize - Remember this location. This location can be returned to by typing F9, <ret>. <²ret√> - Return to last Memorized location. ²S√tartBlock - Goto start of selected block (if any). ²E√ndBlock - Goto end of selected block (if any). /* ² Verify Replacement You have the following options: ²Y√es - The hi-lited text will be replaced. Searching will be continued if number of occurances is not down to 0. ²N√o - The hi-lited text will not be replace. Searching will be continued if number of occurances is not down to 0. ²OneLastTime√ - Replace the hi-lited text, and stop replacements. <²esc√> - The hi-lited text will not be replaced. Searching for additional occurances will be canceled. 0 ² Save Data File Save the data now in editor to a file. Enter the full name of file to save data to. Notes: - If the file exists, you will be offered append, or overwrite, or esc. 1 ² Record Keystrokes Two methods are provided to "record" keystrokes. Recorded keystrokes can be "played back" to repeat the recorded operations. ²Record to a File√ - The first method saves the keystrokes to a file. ²To Start Recording√ - Press ²altK√eystrokes, then select ²R√ecord, and enter a file name. ²Recording√ - Perform the the operations to be recorded. ²To End Recording√ - Press ²altK√ - this will stop recording. ²To Playback√ - Press ²altK√, select ²P√layback, and enter file name. ²Record Keys√ - The second method saves the keystrokes on the F9 or F10 keys. ²To Start Recording√ - Press ctrlF9 or ctrlF10. ²Recording√ - Perform the the operations to be recorded. ²To End Recording√ - Press ctrlF9 or ctrlF10. ²To Playback√ - Press altF9 or altF10. 2 ² Background Print Print the file cursor is on in the background. While the file is printing you may perform other SS1 function (but not leave SS1). Header - If you say ²Y√es to the header question, A header will be printed on each page; consists of file name, date, time and page. Maximum Line Width - Enter the longest line your printer will print without wrapping. Longer lines will be truncated. Note: the ²K√illPrint command may be used to stop a background print. 3 ² Show Directory Tree Displays the directory tree (subdirectories) for a disk drive. Enter drive name (eg B for B:). After the directory tree is displayed, use the arrow keys and the <home> or <end> keys to move the cursor to the subdirectory to be displayed. Type S to ²S√how the directory (or ²Q√uit to cancel). Use the F6(Tree) key to display the entire directory tree on the screen. 4 ² Drives The ²D√rives command allows you to tell SS1 where to look for the files needed to run applications, and for the help, and ss1.ovl files. The ²D√drives command is available at the Main Menu. - Type in the NUMBER in front of the file you want to input a drive or path name for. - Enter a drive name (eg A:) or a subdirectory name (eg B:\SS1SUB). - When done type ²Q√uit, if you wish to make the changes permanent, then answer yes, otherwise the new drive names will only apply to this session. Note: If SS1 does not find the file on the drive name you entered, it will look on the default drive, if it is not there it will ask you to put a diskette in. 5#² Print and Format Utility The Print/Format utility prints files produced by the editor, list manager, or any standard text file. It optionally provides pagination, header and footers, justified text, bold and underline etc. Most of these features are accessed by imbedding "dot" commands in the file, ²Type 1√ for info on the "dot" commands. To run the Print/Format Utility from the Main Menu by typing ²P√rint. Enter the name of the file to print, and the output file or printer. Enter the first page to print (<ret> to start with page 1). Enter the last page to print (<ret> to print all pages). Press any key to stop a print that is in progress (takes a while). 6 Select Directory Sort Select the order in which the files of the directory will be listed. ²N√ame - Sort the files by file name. ²T√ime - Sort the files by time and date of last modification. ²S√ize - Sort the files by size. ²E√xt - Sort the files by the file name extension. ²A√scend - Sort in ascending order (smallest to largest). ²D√ecend - Sort in decending order (largest to smallest). 7 Show Directory or Tree Type in the name of drive or directory to be displayed. eg B:, c:\subdir1\subdir2. Or, enter F6 to display the tree of subdirectories for one disk drive. (you will then be allowed to select the subdirectory to be displayed) < Reading Configuration File ²Terminal Emulation/Communication√ ²shift, alt, and ctrl√ functions are available -- ²sF2√ for a discription Other commands (²sF1√ for more help): ²altS√ - Send a file to the host ²altR√ - Receive a file from the host ²altD√ - Dial/Establish a connection ²altH√ - Hangup/Disconnect line ²altC√ - Configure communication parameters and key values ²altA√ - Toggle between local and host arrow key use ²altL√ - Look back through received characters =>?BH ² Available Commands: ²shift, atl, and ctrl√ functions (Quit/Aids/etc) -- ²1√ for more ²altS√ - Send a file to the host -- ²2√ for more ²altR√ - Receive a file from the host -- ²3√ for more ²altD√ - Establish a connection: Press ²altD√, if an autodial modem exists a call will be attempted, press any key to exit call. If no autodial modem exists port will be setup for connection. ²altH√ - Hangup/Disconnect line: Press ²altH√ line/modem will disconnect ²altC√ - Modify communication parameters and key values -- ²4√ for more ²altA√ - Toggle between local and host arrow key use: With local arrows cursor moves on screen, no command is sent to host (used to learn function keys). With remote arrows character is sent to the host for processing. ²altL√ - Look back through received characters -- ²5√ for more >=² Send Command The send command, ²altS√, will send a file to the host. When this command is entered the host must be ready to receive the file. This can be done by placing an editor in insert or running a command on the host. You will be prompted to enter the name of the file you want to send to the host or ²esc√ to cancel the send command. Pressing ²esc√ during send will stop transmission. ²1√ - Edit keys for filename entry ?=² Receive Command The receive command, ²altR√, will store all received characters in a local file. When this command is entered you will be prompted for a file to store the received characters in, if the file exists you can append to or replace the file. Or ²esc√ to cancel the receive command. You will have the option of displaying the received characters. While characters are received commands can be typed to the host with the only restriction being you must exit receive before exiting the communication job. Pressing ²altR√ will exit the receive. ²1√ - Edit keys for filename entry. @? ² Display Received Characters Answer ²Y√ to see characters as they are received Answer ²N√ if all you want to see is a character count (binary files) A? ² Stop receive Characters When the file has been transfered or to cancel receive press ²altR√ to exit. B=DE² Setup Communication Parameters The configuration file defines communication parameters. This command allows modfication of port parameters (baud rate, parity, etc.) and key definitions. Answer ²C√ to change the current settings in use. Answer ²R√ to read in a configuration file with new values. Answer ²esc√ to cancel change. ²1√ - Modifiable port parameters ²2√ - Modifiable key definations CB² Enter Configuration Filename Enter the name of a file that contains the communication parameters or ²esc√ to cancel change. ²1√ - Edit keys for filename entry. DB² Change Port Parameters Enter a value from the list to the left of the prompt. Arrow keys move up and down, ²F1√ to continue, or ²esc√ to exit. Most values can be found in a manual that describes how to communicate with the particular host. ²Communication port√ - Port the modem/cable is connected to. ²Auto Dial Modem√ - If yes the dial command will try to dial the phone number. ²Phone Number√ - This is the number to dial. All numbers and letters will be sent to the auto dial modem. ²Arrow key use√ - Determines whether arrow keys will only move the cursor on screen or if the key value will be sent to the host. ²altA√ toggles. ²Use printable command character√ - Allows a character to be selected as the terminal command character (see manual for a further description). ²1√ - Edit keys data entry. EB² Change Key Definitions This screen allows you to define the characters that will be sent to the host for each of the characters listed on the screen. Arrow keys move up and down, ²<return>√ moves to the right, ²F1√ to continue, or ²esc√ to exit. Each key can send from 0 to 3 characters depending on the number of fields filled in for the key: Right arrow : ■ √ ■ √ ■ √ -- sends 0 characters Right arrow : ■1B√ ■44√ ■ √ -- sends 2 characters Values entered are ASCII code converted to hexadecimal: A = ASCII 65 = hexadecimal 41 ²1√ - Edit keys for data entry. FB ² Save New Configuration Answer ²S√ to save the modfied parameters in a file. Answer ²R√ to return to the terminal with the new settings in effect. ²esc√ will return to terminal with the unmodfied settings. GF² Enter Configuration Filename Enter the name of a file to write the new communication parameters to or ²esc√ to return to terminal with the new parameters. ²1√ - Edit keys for filename entry. H= ² Look Back Command The Look back command ²altL√ can be used to scan back through received characters that are still in the input buffer. Press ²altL√ to enter the Look back command. ²Up arrow√ - Goes back one line or to the last terminal command character each time it is pressed. ²Down arrow√ - Goes forward one line or to the last terminal command character each time it is pressed. ²esc√ - Exit the scan command and return to the terminal. I=² Suspend Communications Suspend the current communication job, status will be preserved. ²S√ - You will be returned to the main SS1 menu. ²D√ - You will be returned to DOS. ²X√ - You will be prompted for a DOS command to execute. ²1√ - Suspend Information. J= ² Disconnect Line ²Y√ - To disconnect line/modem ²N√ - Return to terminal K= ² Exit Communications Answer ²Y√ to exit communications with then line/ modem disconnected. Answer ²N√ to exit communications without changing the current line/ modem status. ²esc√ will return to terminal. L=B² Enter Configuration Filename The default configuration file SS1.CFG was not found. Enter the name of a file that contains the communication parameters or ²esc√ to start communications using default settings. The setup command ²altC√ can be used to create a configuration file. ²1√ - Edit keys for filename entry. ²2√ - Setup command. MNO² List Manager Overview The list manager is designed to sort, modify and report columnar files. Modfications can be limited to a section of a file (such as a table within a letter) by defining a block. A block is identfied by a marker in column two next to the records in the block. Each line of the file is defined as a record. The current record is highlighted with the cursor next to it. Columns can be defined as fields using the create²F√ields command. Fields are used to sort, move, and search data. They are identfied with a letter A to Z. A marked record is identfied by a ²√ next to the record. Only marked records will be written with the ²R√eport function. ²1√ - Available Commands ²2√ - Function and cursor key use NMPSWXY[v]O² Available Commands ²M√arkRecords - Marks records meeting a search criteria - ²1√ for more ²R√eport - Writes a report using marked records - ²2√ for more ²D√elete - Deletes the current record ²A√dd - Add a new record - ²3√ for more ²E√dit - Edit the current record - ²3√ for more Create²F√ields - Create/modify fields - ²4√ for more ²S√ort - Sort records - ²5√ for more ²O√rder - Change field order or delete columns - ²6√ for more ²C√alculate - Total, average, or count a field - ²7√ for more ²L√ocate - Locate a text string in the file - ²8√ for more ²G√oto - Go to a specfic record number - ²8√ for more ²T√op - Go to the top of file ²B√ottom - Go to the bottom of file ²Q√uit - Exit the list manager ²9√ - Function and cursor key use ONb`² Function/Cursor key use ²Function keys ²F1√ - Identify a block - ²1√ for more ²F2√ - Move to next marked (²√) record ²F7√ - Toggle between display of all data and display of only field data ²F8√ - Modify record marking format during search - ²2√ for more ²F9√ - Mark/Unmark current record ²F10√ - Mark/Unmark all records ²Cursor movement File movement ²√,²√,²ret√ - Move up/down one record ²√,²√,²tab√ - Right/Left ²pgup√ - Move up 12 lines ²home√ - Display column 1 ²pgdn√ - Move down 12 lines ²end√ - Display end of line ²T√ - Top of file ²B√ - Bottom of file PNQRX² Mark Records Search the file and mark records meeting the search criteria. This is used to select items for a report. The search can be limited to selected fields. Upper and lower case is ignored. Enter the text string to search for. Next you will be asked for the type of search, and fields to search. ²1√ - Search types ²2√ - Identify search fields ²3√ - Create Fields QPR² Search Type Select type of search to be used with entered text. ²E√ - Equal to text entered. ²L√ - Less then text entered. ²G√ - Greater then text entered. ²R√ - Greater then or equal to text entered. ²S√ - Less then or equal to text entered. ²I√ - Inside of text entered. Example XYZ is inside of ABXYZAB. ²1√ - Identify Search Fields RQ`X² Search Fields Identify fields to search by entering field identfiers (A to Z). <²bs√> will remove a field entered. If more than one field is selected then fields are combined: ....AAA........BBB................ Search on A B gives: AbCdEfGhIjKlMnOpQrStUvWxYz EFGPQU ²F1√ continues or <²esc√> cancels search The method for displaying marked records can modfied during search by pressing any key. ²1√ - for more. ²2√ - Create Fields SNX² Report Records This command will write a report using selected fields. Only marked (²√) records will be output. You will be asked for fields, output device and an optional title. Enter the fields ²A to Z√ to report, fields maybe repeated. Fields can be seperated with spaces by entering ²1 to 9√ between fields to specify the number of spaces. Pressing return will create a new output line ( displayed as ²┘√). ²F1√ continues or <²esc√> cancels report ²Example:√ ...AAAA.BBBBB...CCC... ²Report√ ²Gives:√ John A. John Smith A. A 3 C ┘ B Smith Fred Doe Q. Fred Q. Doe ²1√ - Create Fields TS ² Output Device Enter the name of the file or printer to send the report to. If the specfied file exists it will be ²replaced√. PRN is the standard printer name. UT ² Report Title If prompt is left blank no title will be written. If a title is specfied a ².he√ command will be appended for print formatter output. VN ² Delete Record ²Y√ - Will delete record. ²N√ - Will cancel command. WN² Add/Edit Record Add allows you to add a new record to the file. Edit allows you to modify an existing record. ²Note:√ The SS1 editor has greater editing capabilties and should be used for large changes and file creation. The following keys are available: ²Cursor movement:√ right/left arrow, home, end, tab ²Text modfication:√ ²ins√ - Toggle between insert and type over mode. ²del√ - Delete text under cursor. ²bs√ - Delete text behind cursor. ²ctrlEnd√ - Delete text to end of line. ²F5√ - Copy line above to next space. ²cF1..cF8√ - Learn text to function key. ²aF1..aF8√ - Recall text. <²esc√> cancels Edit/Add <²ret√> accepts changes/new record ²1√ - Learn Keys XN ² Create/Modify Fields Fields identify columns to the list manager. They are used for many functions, including sort, report, and order. Fields are identfied by a letter ²A to Z√. On entry to field creation the cursor will be positioned in the data. Using right/left arrow, home, end, and tab keys .................. position the cursor to the start of the column. John ■S√mith Type a letter A to Z to identify field. ........N......... Use right/left arrows then <ret> to define field ........NNNNN..... length. The field will be displayed in the field John Smit■h√ definition line. To delete an existing field type the field letter then <esc> or press ²F2√ to delete all fields. ²F1√ to exit field creation. YNX² Sort Records Sort will rearrange records in ascending (A to Z) or desending (Z to A) order. Sorting will be preformed based on the selected field(s). Upper and lower case is ignored for sort. Enter the fields (²A to Z√) to sort on in the order the sort should be preformed. <²bs√> will remove fields from the selected list. ²Example:√ ...AAAAAAAA...BB..... ²Sort√ ²Sort√ Smith 2 A B Jones 1 B A Jones 1 Jones 1 Gives Jones 3 Gives Smith 2 Jones 3 Smith 2 Jones 3 ²F1√ continues or <²esc√> cancels sort ²1√ - Create Fields ZY ² Ascending/Desending Sort ²A√ - Sort will be preformed in ascending order (A to Z) ²D√ - Sort will be preformed in desending order (Z to A) [NX² Order Records Order can be used to remove or change the order that columns appear in the file. ²Warning:√ Order will delete all fields not selected and any data outside of fields. Enter the fields that should remain after order in the order they should appear. 1 to 9 may be specfied to insert spaces between fields. <²bs√> will remove fields from the selected list. ²Before:√ ...AAAAABBBB...... ²Order√ ²After:√ AAAAA.....BBBB...... ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQR A 5 B DEFGH IJKL ²F1√ continues or <²esc√> cancels order ²1√ - Create Fields \[ ² Are You Sure ²Warning:√ Order will delete all fields not selected and any data outside of fields. This is the last chance to stop order. ²Y√ - Order will continue. ²N√ - Order will be canceled. ]N ² Locate/Goto ²Locate:√ Enter a text string. Locate will search for the string from the current position to end of file. If the string is found the cursor will be positioned to the record containing the string. ²Goto:√ Enter a record number. If the record exists the cursor will be positioned to the record. <²esc√> will cancel command. ^N ² Save, save to New file, or Quit What do you want done with your data? ²S√ave - Save the data including changes to the same file you entered the list manager with. ²N√ew file- Save the data to a new file. You will be asked to enter the name of the new file. ²Q√uit - Quit the list manager without saving your data. Any changes you made since the last save will be lost. ²esc√ - return to list manager. _^ ² Save Data File Save the data now in list manager to a file. Enter the full name of file to save data to. ²Notes:√ - If the file exists, you will be offered append, or overwrite, or esc. - Edit and learn keys can be used - see below. `OP² Hits Display During Mark records the method for display of selected records can be modfied using this command. ²F√ - With Fast records are marked. ²S√ - With Show Hits records are displayed as they are marked. ²V√ - With Verify Hits records are displayed with the option of marking or not marking the record. ²A√ - Abort will stop the command. ²1√ - Mark Records aP`² Mark Yes or No ²Y√ - Will mark record. ²N√ - Will skip record and continue search. <²esc√> - Change hit display mode. ²1√ - for more. bO ² Create Block A block can be used if you want the list manager to only look at a portion of the file. For example if you have a table within a letter. To select a block: 1. Move the cursor to the start of block. Press ²F1√. 2. Move the cursor to the end of block. Press ²F1√. Records within the block are identfied with a marker in column two. To turn off block press ²F1√ twice without moving cursor. cN ² Inital Load Read in data file for list manager. Enter the full name of the file to load. dgufe² Spreadsheet This is a general purpose spreadsheet which supports 255 pages, 64 columns, and 255 rows. Due to memory constraints all of these cells can not be filled, but, a blank cell will never use any space. Cells are expressed as page column row -- For example ²1G23√ is page ²1√ column ²G√ and row ²23 / is not required to enter commands -- simply enter commands as listed on the top and bottom of the screen. ²F2√ toggles between type in and arrow keys during entry of equations or ranges. Learn/Recall keys (cF1 to cF8 and aF1 to aF8) can be used to learn current cell or recall a learned cell. Equations are calculated in the following hierarchy: values in (), functions ( SQRT, LOG, SIN, etc.), .., ^, /, *, +, then left to right ²1√ - Available commands ²2√ - General cell entry ²3√ - Cursor or screen movement keys ²4√ - Equation information ed ² Equations Available operators are: .. (sum), ^ (exponential), /, *, +, - Available functions are: SIN, COS, ARCTAN (trig functions), ABS (absolute value), SQRT (square root), SQR (squared), LN (natural log), LOG (base 10 log), EXP (e to a power) Parenthesis can be used to change the order of calculation. Without parenthesis calculation order is: functions, .. (sum), ^ (exponential), /, *, +, -, then left to right Examples: 2.0 * 4.0 + 5.0 * 3.0 Gives: 23.00 2.0 * ( 4.0 + 5.0 ) * 3.0 54.00 SQR(5.0) * 2.0 + 9.0 59.00 1A1..3B4 Sum of values in the cube from 1A1 to 3B4 SQR(1B2..1D5) + 5.0 * 3.0 Sum from 1B2 to 1D5 squared plus 15.00 (12.67 * 1A1) ^ SIN(1B2..1D5 + 2G6) Equations can be complex fdqh² Movement Keys ²arrow keys√ - Move cursor up/down/right/left one cell. ²pgup, pgdn√ - Scroll spreadsheet up/down a half screen. ²ctrl right/left arrow√ - Scroll spreadsheet right/left a half screen. ²ctrlPgdn, ctrlPgup√ - Move to next/previous page. ²home√ - Move to column A of current row. ²end√ - Move to last occupied cell on current row. ²alt T√ - Move to the top of page. ²alt B√ - Move to the last occupied cell on page. ²F3√ - Go to specified cell. ²F9√ - Go to specified cell or memorize current cell. Type ²1√ for more. ²alt F√ - Move to cell with specified cell reference, label, or value. Type ²2√ for more. ²F6√ - Repeat last find. Note: <²return√> after cell entry will move cursor in last moved direction gdhilkrmnop² Available Commands ²alt T√ - Move to the top of page. ²alt B√ - Move to the last occupied cell on page. ²alt F√ - Find a specified cell reference, value or label. - ²1√ for more ²alt S√ - Specify global settings for the spreadsheet. - ²2√ for more ²<Ins>√ - Insert a row, column, or page. - ²3√ for more ²<Del>√ - Delete a row, column, or page. - ²3√ for more ²alt C√ - Clear the spreadsheet. ²Erase√ all cells in spreadsheet. ²alt P√ - Print the spreadsheet. - ²4√ for more ²alt I√ - Insert a text file. - ²5√ for more ²alt L√ - Load in a spreadsheet model from disk. - ²6√ for more ²alt U√ - Update, write spreadsheet model to disk. - ²7√ for more ²F1√ - Edit the equation, value, or label of the current cell. ²F3√ - Move the cursor to the specified cell. ²F4√ - Copy a range of cells to a new location. - ²8√ for more ²F5√ - Change the format for the current column. - ²9√ for more ²F6√ - Repeat find last find. - ²1√ for more ²F7√ - Calculate the current page. ²F8√ - Calculate the entire spreadsheet. ²F9√ - Memorize the current location or move to a memorized location. ²F10√ - Delete the current cell. hg ² Find Search the spreadsheet from the current location for a specified cell reference, value, or label. The cursor will move to the cell with the desired information. ²Search for: Cellref Label Value√ Enter: ²C√, ²L√, or ²V√ for the desired type of search ²Text to search for:√ If you entered: ²C√ above then enter a cell - for example 1G7 ²L√ above then enter all or part of a label ²V√ above then enter a value - for example 12.78 If the text is found the cursor will move to this cell. ²F6√ can be used to repeat the search ig ² Set Global Set global format and print parameters. Change values as desired. Press ²F1√ to accept changes or <²esc√> to leave values unchanged. ²Global column width:√ Sets the default width for columns ²Global number of decimals:√ Sets the default number of decimals to use. Note: Zero defines a text field. When either of these values are changed all cells with the previous default column width and number of decimals will be changed to the new settings. ²Print Width:√ Sets the number of characters to print on a line. Wider print requests will continue columns on the next page. ²Print Page Length:√ Sets the number of lines to print on a page. jg ² Clear This command will ²erase√ all cells in the spreadsheet. Enter a Y to erase spreadsheet. Enter a N to leave spreadsheet unchanged. kgfi² Print Print all or part of a spreadsheet to a printer or file. This command can be used to produce a file that can be used in other SS1 applications. ²Enter the range that you want to print:√ Arrow and other cursor movement keys can be used to enter the range or the range can be typed in. F2 will toggle between entry modes. Press ²1√ For a list of cursor movement keys. The range format is two cell references seperated by dots -- ²1A1..2G25√ ²Enter the name of a printer or file:√ PRN will print the model to the printer, to print to a file enter a valid filename. If the file exists it will be overwritten. The page length and print width is set in the SetGlobal command (²altS√) Press ²2√ for more on Set Global. lg ² Insert/Delete Insert/Delete a number of Rows, Columns, or Pages. Equations and formats will be ajusted to the new cell positions. ²Insert/Delete Row or Column or Page or <esc>√ Type ²R√, ²C√, or ²P√ to select row, column , or page to Insert/Delete. ²Number to Insert/Delete√ Enter the number of rows, columns, or pages to Insert/Delete. Insert/Delete will be from the current cursor position. If rows or columns are selected you will be asked if the Insert/Delete should be performed on ²A√ll pages or only the current ²P√age. Type ²A√ or ²P√. mg ² Load Model File Read in a new model file from disk. The file must have the extension .SPD ²Load Model File: enter the name of of a .spd file√ Type in the name of an existing spreadsheet model file or <²esc√> to cancel. If you enter a file that does not exist you will be given the option of creating a new file or to cancel the request. Type ²Y√ to create a new file or ²N√ to cancel. Note: If you are currently in the spreadsheet. This command will ²erase√ all existing data. Unlike many spreadsheets SS1 requires that you specify a file on entry. If you don't want to save your data to a file, simply, enter the name of a non-existant file here and choose the ²Q√uit option on exit. ng ² Update Write the current model to disk and return to the spreadsheet. ²Update the model and return: Save, save data to New file√ Press ²S√ to write the current model to the file you entered the spreadsheet with or ²N√ to write to a new file. If you press ²N√ you will be prompted to enter a filename. If the file exists it will be overwritten. ogf² Copy Copy a range of cells from one location to a new location. If the destination range is larger than the source range the copy will be repeated to fill the range. Equations can be ajusted relative to the copy. ²Copy: enter the source range (eg 1B4..1G10) or <esc>√ Arrow and other cursor movement keys can be used to enter the range or the range can be typed in. F2 will toggle between entry modes. The default start for the source range is the current position. Press <²bs√> then arrows or type in if you want to change start location. Press ²1√ For a list of cursor movement keys. ²Copy: enter destination range (eg 1B4..1G10) or <esc>√ Enter the range to copy into. If only the start of the range is specified the destination size will be equal to the source size. ²Ajust equations?√ Answer ²Y√es or ²N√o If equations with cell references are in the range they can be ajusted by by the distance the cell is moved. Type ²Y√ to ajust equations or ²N√ to leave equations unchanged. pg ² Format Change the format for the current column. ²Column width√ Enter the new width for the column. ²Decimals (0 for text)√ Enter the number of decimals to display in this column. Zero can be used for text fields. qg ² Locate Move the cursor to a memorized location or memorize the current location. To memorize the current location press ²M√. To go to the memorized location press <²return√> rg ² Insert File Insert data from a text file (editor etc.) to the spreadsheet at a specified cell location. This command can be used to load data from the editor or other SS1 applications into the spreadsheet. ²InsertFile: enter start cell (eg 1B4) or <esc>√ Enter the cell where the data in the file should begin loading into the spreadsheet. ²Enter Name of text file or <esc>√ Enter the name of the file that contains the data you want loaded. The first non-blank line defines columns for the spreadsheet. Spaces are used to denote where new columns start.For example: The Text file Start at: ²1B4√ Produces: |---²A√---|---²B√---|---²C√---|---²D√---| January 12.34 22.3 ²3√ Febuary 2.3 9.8 ²4√ January 12.34 22.30 March 10.6 153.55 ²5√ Febuary 2.30 9.80 ²6√ March 10.60 153.55 sg ² Quit Spreadsheet Write the current model to disk and quit spreadsheet or quit spreadsheet without saving changes. ²Quit Spreadsheet: Save, save to New file, Quit without saving data√ Press ²S√ to write the current model to the file you entered the spreadsheet with. Press ²N√ to write to a new file. You will be prompted to enter a filename to save the data in. If the file exists it will be overwritten. Press ²Q√ to exit the Spreadsheet without saving changes. Any changes made since the last save will be lost. tg ² Go To Cell Move the cursor to a specified cell. ²GoTo: Enter Cell (eg 1B7) or <esc>√ Type in the cell you want to move the cursor to. udf² Cell Enter/Edit To enter data into a cell, simply, move to the cell and type. If the first letter entered is a number, +, -, (, or ) the spreadsheet expects you to enter an equation or value. Starting the label with a quote (²"√) will force the entry to be a label. To enter an equation that doesn't start with a number, +, -, (, or ) start the equation with a plus (²+√). During cell entry/edit all standard edit keys are available - ²1√ for more. To enter cell references you can type the cell or by pressing ²F2√ you can use the cursor movement keys (²2√ for movement keys) to identify the cell. <²esc√> can be used to cancel the entry/edit. vNX² Calculate Field This command will calculate the total, average, and count of a field for all records or only marked records. ²Enter field A..Z to calculate or <return> for full record√ Type the field you want to calculate. ²1√ for field creation <²return√> will use the left most number in the record. ²Calculate All or Marked records√ Press ²A√ if you want all records calculated, or ²M√ for only marked records The sum, average, and count are displayed. Press <²return√> to move through the fields. Learn keys can be used to store results. ²2√ for learn keys